pay online
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syntax = "proto3";
package payment;
// EventPaymentService is a service to enable online payment for events handled by the
// eventmanager. This service is thighly coupled to the eventmanager, because we had
// a short timeline to implement this API. But the idea in the future is to create
// a universal PaymentService.
service EventPaymentService {
// PayEvent creates a Payrexx Gateway for the given participartion and returns
// a link to which the user can be redirected to proceed with the payment
// On completion of the payment the eventmanager is notified and the participation
// confirmed
rpc CreateEventPayment(CreateEventPaymentRequest) returns (EventPayment);
message CreateEventPaymentRequest {
// participation id as defined by the eventmanager for a given user and event
string participation_id = 1;
// url to which the user is redirected after the payment was successful
string success_redirect_url = 2;
// url to which the user is redirected after the payment failed
string failed_redirect_url = 3;
// url to which the user is redirected if payment process is cancelled
string cancel_redirect_url = 4;
message EventPayment { string pay_link = 1; }