Find and edit VIS and ETH members
View readme on GitLab
syntax = "proto3";
package people;
// An API key must be provided in an "authorization" header in GRPC metadata.
// Usernames are always ETH "nethz" usernames (like "voinovp"),
// except if otherwise stated or for temp users like "um_vis12".
service People {
// ETH person
rpc GetEthPerson (GetPersonRequest) returns (EthPerson);
rpc AuthEthPerson (AuthPersonRequest) returns (AuthPersonResponse);
// ListEthPeople returns all ordinary members
// If you want to get all members (ordinary, passive & honorary)
// you need to call ListVisPeople as well and union both responses
// (Attention: duplicates guaranteed!)
rpc ListEthPeople (ListPeopleRequest) returns (stream EthPerson);
// VIS person
rpc GetVisPerson (GetPersonRequest) returns (VisPerson);
rpc AuthVisPerson (AuthPersonRequest) returns (AuthPersonResponse);
rpc ListVisPeople (ListPeopleRequest) returns (stream VisPerson);
rpc CreateVisPerson (CreateVisPersonRequest) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
rpc ModifyVisPerson (ModifyVisPersonRequest) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
// DeletePreserveVisPerson deletes the specified VIS internal account.
// The deletion which moves the person to a "preserved" section in the
// storage backend, instead of actually deleting them.
// *Preserved people loose all their group memberships.*
// Preserved people look deleted in all API calls, except UndeletePreserveVisPerson.
// Background jobs or manual intervention may or may not eventually delete the person.
// If only a sort time has passed, it should normally be possible to recover the
// preserved person using UndeletePreservedVisPerson.
// If the person doesn't exist or is already "preserved" this RPC will fail.
rpc DeletePreserveVisPerson (WrappedUsername) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
// UndeletePreservedVisPerson reverses the effect of DeletePreserveVisPerson
// (except that all group memberships are lost).
// If the person has already been permanently deleted (eg. manually directly
// in the data store, or by a cleanup service), undeletion will fail.
// If the person doesn't exist this RPC will fail.
// When a person is preserved, their username stays reserved (no new user can be
// created with that username, until the preserved user is permanently deleted).
// Due to implementation constraints, *calling this on preserved Alumni users
// will convert them to VIS users, do not do this.*
rpc UndeletePreservedVisPerson (WrappedUsername) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
// Alumni person (VIS alumni)
rpc GetAlumniPerson (GetPersonRequest) returns (AlumniPerson);
rpc AuthAlumniPerson (AuthPersonRequest) returns (AuthPersonResponse);
rpc ListAlumniPeople (ListPeopleRequest) returns (stream AlumniPerson);
rpc CreateAlumniPerson (CreateAlumniPersonRequest) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
rpc ModifyAlumniPerson (ModifyAlumniPersonRequest) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
// DeletePreserveAlumniPerson deletes the specified VIS internal account.
// The deletion which moves the person to a "preserved" section in the
// storage backend, instead of actually deleting them.
// *Preserved people loose all their group memberships.*
// Preserved people look deleted in all API calls, except UndeletePreserveAlumniPerson.
// Background jobs or manual intervention may or may not eventually delete the person.
// If only a sort time has passed, it should normally be possible to recover the
// preserved person using UndeletePreservedAlumniPerson.
// If the person doesn't exist or is already "preserved" this RPC will fail.
rpc DeletePreserveAlumniPerson (WrappedUsername) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
// UndeletePreservedAlumniPerson reverses the effect of DeletePreserveAlumniPerson
// (except that all group memberships are lost).
// If the person has already been permanently deleted (eg. manually directly
// in the data store, or by a cleanup service), undeletion will fail.
// If the person doesn't exist this RPC will fail.
// When a person is preserved, their username stays reserved (no new user can be
// created with that username, until the preserved user is permanently deleted).
// Due to implementation constraints, *calling this on preserved VIS users
// will convert them to Alumni users, do not do this.*
rpc UndeletePreservedAlumniPerson (WrappedUsername) returns (Empty); // requires privileged API key
// Service account
// ModifyServiceAccount is not something you should use.
// It is made specifically for mailman to update email addresses in
// FreeIPA which are required to correctly route emails for mailing lists.
rpc ModifyServiceAccount(ModifyServiceAccountRequest) returns (Empty);
// Update vismembers
// UpdateVisMembers adds the given usernames to the ordinary memberlist
// such that the vis_membership of VisPerson or EthPerson is set to ORDINARY
// It is used to update the memberlist with the memberlist provided by the VSETH
rpc UpdateVisMembers(UpdateVisMembersRequest) returns (UpdateResponse); // requires privileged API key
// TestUpdateVisMembers does basically the same as UpdateVisMembers does, but does not make any persistent changes (dry run).
rpc TestUpdateVisMembers (UpdateVisMembersRequest) returns (UpdateResponse);
// Miscellaneous
rpc CheckLiveness (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc CheckReadiness (Empty) returns (Empty);
// Shared
enum MembershipType {
NONE = 0;
ACTIVE_DO_NOT_USE = 1 [deprecated = true];
enum Language {
// RepeatedStringValue just wraps a repeated string.
// It is useful when it is used as field type (eg. `RepeatedStringValue emails = 1`), since it can be null.
// This allows differentiating between no value (no RepeatedStringValue supplied) and an
// empty list of strings (RepeatedStringValue supplied, but `repeated string value = 1` is empty).
// See also:
message RepeatedStringValue {
repeated string value = 1;
// StringValue is used for differentiating between no supplied value and an explicitly empty string.
message StringValue {
string value = 1;
message Empty {}
// Generic person
message GetPersonRequest {
string username = 1;
message ListPeopleRequest {}
message DeletePersonRequest {
string username = 1;
message AuthPersonRequest {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;
message AuthPersonResponse {
bool ok = 1;
message WrappedUsername {
string username = 1;
// ETH person
message EthPerson {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
reserved 3;
MembershipType vis_membership = 10;
bool vis_active = 11;
string username = 5;
string email = 6;
Language preferred_language = 7;
int32 unique_id_nr = 8; // requires privileged API key
string unique_id = 9; // requires privileged API key
// VIS person
message VisPerson {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
string username = 5; // nethz
MembershipType vis_membership = 3;
bool vis_active = 6;
repeated string vis_groups = 4;
string primary_email = 8; // official VIS email
repeated string alternative_emails = 7; // default comes from eth ldap (not student email), UI to change, required on create
message CreateVisPersonRequest {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
string username = 5; // nethz
reserved 4;
repeated string alternative_emails = 7;
message ModifyVisPersonRequest {
string username = 1;
// updated if set:
string password = 2;
RepeatedStringValue alternative_emails = 3;
// add_to_group contains the name of one group to add the user to.
// If add_to_group is not set (empty), nothing is done.
// If the user is already in that group, then nothing is changed and
// no error is returned. If the group doesn't exist, this fails.
string add_to_group = 4;
// remove_from_group contains the name of one group to remove the user from.
// If remove_from_group is not set (empty), nothing is done.
// If the user is already not in that group, then nothing is changed and
// no error is returned. If the group doesn't exist, this fails.
string remove_from_group = 5;
// Note: add_to_group and remove_from_group can not be equal.
// Alumni person
message AlumniPerson {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
string username = 5; // nethz
string primary_email = 8; // official VIS alumni email
repeated string alternative_emails = 7; // not eth student email
string street_address = 3;
message CreateAlumniPersonRequest {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
string username = 5; // nethz
repeated string alternative_emails = 7; // not eth student email
string street_address = 3;
message ModifyAlumniPersonRequest {
string username = 1;
// updated if set:
string password = 2;
RepeatedStringValue alternative_emails = 3;
StringValue street_address = 4;
// Service account
message ModifyServiceAccountRequest {
string username = 1; // this is not a nethz username
// updated if set:
RepeatedStringValue alternative_emails = 3;
// Update vis members
message UpdateVisMembersRequest {
repeated string usernames = 1;
bool preserve_old = 2 [deprecated=true]; // if set: the given username are appended to the existing list, if not set: ONLY the given username will be in the list
bool flush_members = 3; // if set: ONLY the given username will be in the list, otherwise: the given username are appended to the existing list
message UpdateResponse {
repeated string updated_usernames = 1;